Ultimate Hifi and Home Cinema
Control and Integration
Network, Mac and iDevice
Grade II listed farmhouse and barn
Grade II listed farmhouse and barn
As technology becomes more complex and connected, it is important that your personal information is safeguarded by those who use it. Here you can find about about they types of information I hold, what I do with it, and how I safeguard it.
Information that I keep:
I typically keep contact information in order to communicate with you. This includes, but is not limited to: Telephone numbers, email addresses, IDs for Skype, WhatsApp, iMessage and FaceTime. For some clients I also keep notes of passwords for websites, local WiFi, device access (eg Smartphone, Apple TV), and other Cloud and Web services such as CCTV and Smart Thermostats.
How I store your information:
Contact information is kept within the “Contacts” App on Apple iDevices, Laptops, and desktop computers, the the information is shared between these devices using Apple’s iCloud service. ID and password information which I may hold for you is kept solely on my iPhone, within the file-vault application OneSafe.
How I protect the information which I store:
All of my devices which hold information and are capable of accessing Cloud systems, are protected by a local password, which anyone holding the device must enter before being able able to access information. These passwords consist of a minimum of seven characters, which do not form dictionary words. All of these devices are enabled for remote erase, such that if they become lost or stolen, I can cause them to erase themselves the next time they are switched on. Any information I hold within server systems, such as iCloud, are protected by passwords of eleven to thirteen characters. iCloud itself is protected with high quality encryption - please see Apple’s website for further details.
How I protect your data in other ways:
When I fit systems for you, whether they may be TV, Music, WiFi/Internet, CCTV, or others, there is a danger of devices within your system being compromised. This can lead to equipment being compromised - from the smallest scale (you would probably not even notice) to gross invasions of privacy (CCTV images being sen by others or even published, strangers talking to you within your own home using speakers in “connected” devices, etc). Any of these devices which I fit are protected by a complex password, which will fend of all but the most sophisticated of attacks.
Newer technologies and privacy:
Increasingly we are seeing systems allowing “remote access” in to the home. This means that I will be able to view and control items of technology within your home, for the purposes of troubleshooting, and reprogramming, without the need to visit your home. These devices will be used only with your express permission. The Apps from which they can be accessed will be protected by measures outlined above.
Marketing and sharing:
I will never share your contact information for marketing purposes. I very occasionally send a newsletter on matters of interest. I will only share contact and other information with your express permission, for purposes such as having specialist equipment serviced by others, eg Satellite dishes.
See your information:
If at any time you wish to see the information I hold, please let me know by contacting me through your preferred channel.
Where I hold contact information for you in third party systems, for instance Skype, I cannot be responsible for the security within those systems - which is to say that if their databases are compromised, your user name (but not password) could be seen within my account. This is, of course, most unlikely, however cannot be ruled out entirely.